Friday 19 June 2009

Week 9

Kinda been struggling this week but got back on track today, bought myself the wii active thing everyone is raving about so looking forward to giving that a go. Weight loss now is 20lbs. Weigh in monday so everything crossed for that.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Well, I gave up on WW for a few months but started again on the 20th April 2009.

Since initial weigh in I have lost 14 lbs - 1 stone lighter to be exact so I am really pleased with my progess.

I will hopefully stick to it this time and before I know it be at goal weight......

I'll keep you posted.........


Thursday 15 January 2009

Start at the beginning

Well joined weight watchers 6th January 2009. This has to be the year I get thinner! Starting weight 22st 9lbs - BMI - 53 -SO ASHAMED!!!!

weigh in every tuesday, i'll try update every month x

1st weigh in 13th January - 8.5lbs lighter - WOO HOO